Could you pass these questions from an NJ driver’s written test?
Did you hear the news? The New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission will no longer be giving you a written test. Well, not on paper anyway. You’ll still have to pass a so-called written exam before getting your learner’s permit but the test will now be given online.
If you’re thinking wait, the knowledge test was already being administered on computer at MVC offices, you’re not wrong. But now teens in high school who had been taking their tests at school on paper will also be switched to all-digital web-based exams.
This got me wondering if after all these years of driving would I be able to ace a written test?
Would you?
Here are just some of the questions that might appear on your NJ knowledge test taken from the 2022 NJMVC handbook.
It’s multiple choice. Scroll to the bottom to see if you picked the right answers.
To lessen the chance of a collision, stay at least ____ car length behind the vehicle ahead of you for each 10 mph of speed.
If you plan to turn, you must start to signal at least _________ before you turn.
100 feet
50 feet
75 feet
25 feet
When are you allowed to drive on the shoulder to pass another vehicle on the right?
If the vehicle is turning right
If the vehicle has stopped for an emergency
If the vehicle is turning left
Total stopping distance equals
perception distance + reaction distance + braking distance.
perception distance + reaction distance.
perception distance + braking distance.
reaction distance + braking distance
When you're driving in fog at night, you should use
Emergency flashers
Parking lights
What should you do when you park your vehicle facing uphill next to a curb?
Set the hand brake and turn the wheels away from the curb.
Set the hand brake and keep the wheels straight.
Set the hand brake and turn the wheels toward the curb.
Put the transmission in first gear
You must use your headlights
from three hours after sunset to one hour before sunrise.
from one hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise.
from two hours after sunset to one hour before sunrise.
from one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise.
What light should bicyclists use to be visible to other motorists?
While you're driving, keep both hands on the steering wheel at
the ten o'clock and three o'clock positions.
the eight o'clock and three o'clock positions.
the nine o'clock and two o'clock positions.
the nine o'clock and three o'clock positions.
When driving at 20 mph on packed snow, you should maintain a following distance of at least
6 seconds
5 seconds
4 seconds
3 seconds
Don't turn your ignition key to the lock position while your vehicle is in motion because it will
lock the transmission.
lock the steering wheel.
lock the brakes.
lock the gas pedal.
If a tire blows out, you should
Brake hard
Keep your foot in the gas pedal
Keep your vehicle going straight
All of the above
To lessen the chance of a collision, stay at least ___ car length behind the vehicle ahead of you for each 10 mph of speed.
Correct answer: One
If you plan to turn, you must start to signal at least _________ before you turn.
Correct answer: 100 feet
When are you allowed to drive on the shoulder to pass another vehicle on the right?
Correct answer: Never
Total stopping distance equals
Correct answer: perception distance + reaction distance + braking distance
(Total stopping distance is the sum of your perception distance (how far your vehicle goes from when you see the hazard until your brain processes it), reaction distance (how far the vehicle goes from when your brain orders your foot to take action until your foot actually starts to brake), and braking distance (how far the vehicle continues to travel once you apply the brake)
When you're driving in fog at night, you should use
Correct answer: Low-beams
What should you do when you park your vehicle facing uphill next to a curb?
Correct answer: Set the hand brake and turn the wheels away from the curb
You must use your headlights
Correct answer: from one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise
What light should bicyclists use to be visible to other motorists?
Correct answer: Green
While you're driving, keep both hands on the steering wheel at
Correct answer: the nine o'clock and three o'clock positions. (If you were thinking ten o’clock and two o’clock, that was before airbags)
When driving at 20 mph on packed snow, you should maintain a following distance of at least
Correct answer: 6 seconds
Don't turn your ignition key to the lock position while your vehicle is in motion because it will
Correct answer: lock the steering wheel
If a tire blows out, you should
Correct answer: Keep your vehicle going straight (If you experience a flat tire or blowout, you should take your foot off the gas pedal, hold the steering wheel firmly, and keep your vehicle going straight while you let the vehicle slow down gradually. Brake gently only after the vehicle is back under your control.
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski only.
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