City of Angels Walk/Run set for this September 14
They've taken the New Jersey addiction problem to the White House, helped so many including Artie Lange in their fight and this Saturday they take their battle to the streets. It's the City of Angels Run/Walk with the Angels and it takes place this Saturday, September 14 at Mercer County Park.
We lose a life every 4 minutes While recovery from addiction is a reality, over 350 Americans die from alcohol or drugs each day - some 135,000 people every year - more than the number who die from either homicides or motor vehicle accidents. Another 22 million Americans are still suffering from addiction and the majority never receive any help.
City of Angels NJ , Inc. is a non-profit organization founded in 2009. In 2017, COA assisted over 550 people and worked with more than 600 families, all at no charge. Aware of an increased need, COA paid for young people to receive medical care, enter sober living and/or begin long term treatment for addiction. Without this support, many would not be in recovery today.
Early registration closes Thursday night 9/12/19 at 9:30pm. You can register the morning of the walk/run onsite at Mercer County Park. You know you need to get in shape, what better way to start? I've done it and so can you. Here's hoping you can make it Saturday.
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