Bon Jovi can’t sing? Who cares?
I once went to see Jay and the Americans, and Jay Black (the singer not the comedian) opened the show singing Roy Orbison's "Pretty Woman". Afterwards he explained his choice of song saying, he'd put on weight and let his hair go gray and he didn't want us thinking about that while he was singing one of his songs. Which brings us to Bon Jovi.
I write this based on the Bobby Olivier's review of Bon Jovi's show last Saturday at the Prudential Center in which he states the singers voice is shot. If it is, he wouldn't be the first to go on tour that way and he definitely won't be the last.
If they cancelled all the shows of singers who couldn't sing live, there would be a lot less concerts to go to. It would be nice, since we're paying all that money to see shows, if the singer could hit the notes, but based on the crowds and the prices, it's really not that important. They will bring in enough singers and backing people that trust me, someone will hit that note.
When you see Bon Jovi or any older act, you're paying to relive a piece of your past. It's not so much about the voice as much as it's about the experience. You're transported to a time and place in your youth that's worth the price of admission.
Saturday night, Bon Jovi will be inducted into the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame and it doesn't look like they are stopping there. So whether or not he can sing, people are still paying top dollar to see them and he gives them their money's worth. As long as that happens, the show will go on. Long may they last.
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