Joe V is a proud outspoken advocate for the LGBTQ+ community both in New Jersey and around the United States. He has been the producer for various talk shows at New Jersey 101.5 since 2011, and has served as a talk show host and writer in that time. Even though Joe is a native of Staten Island, NY, he has lived most of his life in various parts of New Jersey, where many aspects of the Garden State have shaped him into who he is today. He's a diehard fan of the New York Yankees, New York Giants, New York Rangers, and New York Knicks, and is a Bruce Springsteen fanboy and music nerd. He loves to learn about local, U.S., and world history, talks way too much about fantasy football, and has been known to drive long distances for food. You can follow Joe V on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Joe Votruba
The best spot to wait for a Wawa order is by the pound cake stand (Opinion)
Waiting for your Wawa order really is a losing game, no matter how you play it. Inevitably you will be in someone's way.
My ten most memorable moments during my NJ101.5 career
Thank you for allowing me to grow before your eyes and ears.
Look up NJ! — Once-in-a-lifetime meteor shower expected tonight
Very early on May 31st, Earth will be passing through debris trails from a comet that broke apart in the mid-'90s.
11 NJ Irish pubs that are known for their Guinness pours
Unlike typical beers, preparing a Guinness requires effort and precision.
Gas is so expensive, it’s part of the NJ tourism campaign
The average national gas price is currently $4.600, with some experts suggesting it could top $5 per gallon by the time summer.
Middletown, NJ twins ask stepmom to adopt them in viral video
This is a moment they will never forget.
Video: Brazen mouse browses NJ supermarket bread aisle
Not exactly what you want to see walking around the grocery store without a care in the world.
Clouded NJ Pinelands: It’s a fire, it’s a storm, it’s … pollen?
That large impending cloud hovering over the Pine Barrens this week was not what many people thought it was.
NJ’s Six Flags Great Adventure ends meal deal exploited on TikTok
This is why we can't have nice things.
NJ war veteran serenaded by neighbors for 100th birthday
Bill Stevenson has lived most of his life in South Jersey, attending Collingswood High School