Jim Gearhart

Protesters are not who we are? Think again (Opinion)
Jim Gearhart says the Capitol rioters used the template created by the “Democratic Left" using violence to advance an agenda.

Jim Gearhart remembers Joe Clark’s ‘tough love’
Despite criticism about his methods Joe Clark never wavered from his goal to challenge students to make kids better that they thought they could be, according to Jim Gearhart.

Jim Gearhart on $600 checks: ‘You get the idea they want to keep people in need’
The $600 direct payment in the current 5,000+ page bill is not enough to provide meaningful help, according to Jim Gearhart.

Jim Gearhart: A Nobel Peace Prize for Trump?
President Donald Trump should be considered for several Nobel peace prizes for his many accomplishments in the Middle East, according to Jim Gearhart.

Jim Gearhart: To vaccinate or not to vaccinate (Opinion)
Jim Gearhart is concerned about the short trial period but is assured by a trusted doctor that "the platform of the drug is fundamentally very sound."

Is confusion the new normal? (Opinion)
“There’s nothing anyone is doing wrong. If you’re confused don’t feel bad,” Jim says.

Joe Biden’s challenges even before taking office (Opinion)
Democrats in battleground states say had they been aware of allegations against Joe Biden and his family would have voted differently, according to a poll.

The hidden meaning of Phil Murphy’s executive orders (Opinion)
The executive orders are coming during two of the biggest, most critical events of our lifetime: the pandemic and polarizing politics.

Using comedy to cope with the election (Opinion)
A social media offer from England revoking the United States' independence and Charlie Chaplin movies help Jim take his mind off the election.

A funny thing happened on the way to Democrat domination (Opinion)
Jim doesn’t think that Democrats ever thought the presidential election would be as close as was.