Attention landlords — The Cherry Hill Food pantry needs new home
The Cherry Hill Food Pantry is in need of a new digs. It has to leave its current location that it has occupied rent-free for 3 years. It has been located in a a small shopping center on Brace Road (near Berlin-Haddonfield Road) after moving from a house.
According to The Philadelphia Inquirer, the shopping center got a new landlord who is bringing in a new tenant. The pantry serves between 400-450 needy people a month. Its patrons can choose their own food and household supplies from shelves.
The Inquirer quotes the pantry’s executive director, Janet Giordano, as saying that their clientele includes working families and elderly people on fixed incomes. The 7500 square foot pantry has used the money it has saved on rent to expand their offerings. A practice that will have to be curtailed if they have to start paying rent. They are willing to pay a reduced rent, but an unsubsidized space is outside its budget. If you can help, their website is cherryhillfoodpantry.org and their Facebook page can be found here.
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