A misguided decision: Watch us eat habanero peppers with instant regret
It seemed like a good idea at the time.
Well, maybe not "good," but we didn't think it would be as catastrophic as it was.
Backstory: My generous parents grow vegetables in their garden and love to share them with the New Jersey 101.5 staff.
On Wednesday I brought in habanero and jalapeño peppers for my coworkers not knowing just how hot they were. On a whim, Dennis Malloy suggested that he, his producer, Joe V., and myself each eat one during a brief ad break... chaos ensued.
Watch below as we immediately regretted the decision.
My favorite takeaways from this video:
- The unfortunately big bites that Joe and I both took of our peppers. If I could turn back time, I would have had a smaller bite... or maybe no bite at all.
- How neither myself nor Joe had the wherewithal to swallow our peppers.
- The way Dennis escalates from calmly explaining why we should have dairy to desperately yelling at Joe to get cheese from outside the studio, all over Dan Zarrow's weather forecast.
- How Joe couldn't get the cheese at first because he was bent over a trash can ejecting the pepper.
- When Judi asks "WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" like the worried work wife that she is, followed by Dennis breathlessly admitting "I don't know."
- What happened after the video was over....
Bill Doyle accused Joe and me of being wimps for how we handled our peppers and decided to eat one himself. While he started off strong, he quickly spiraled into a sweaty, belching mess.
Thank goodness for Deminski and Doyle: On Demand, because you can listen to his meltdown around the 27 minute mark below.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5's Kylie Moore. Any opinions expressed are Kylie's own. You can follow Kylie on Instagram.
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