20 Great NJ locations that ought to be in pictures
More and more movies are being made in New Jersey thanks to recent tax breaks. That means more and more movie stars will be seen hanging around and filming in the Garden State. Some of the biggest stars of the movie could actually be the Garden State itself. Get ready to start seeing familiar places in pictures.
New Jersey already provides most scenery for "Walking Dead; Dead City". Having read Dino Flamia's post, I started thinking about the many New Jersey locations that would make great movie backdrops. Here are a few that we came up with:
Salem Nuclear Power plant.
Evan Grollman
Metlife stadium
Brian Sexton
Wildwood on the beach South Jersey
Dar Meglino
Governors mansion
Jo Ann Love-pitre
Camden Wally Potter
Atlantic City Got Zombies walking already
Corey Iwachiw
Trenton, preferably the state house because they are all brain dead already.
Scott Boland
Seaside heights in the summer|
Tommy Howell
Fort Monmouth
Nicole Barbarino
In the woods of Tabernacle
Melynda B. Ulrich
The site of the former Marlboro Psychiatric Hospital on Rt. 520 in Marlboro, NJ. It’s still haunted Steve…..
Robert E Fausak
Burlington Island
Brian DJwheels Nelson
(Photo: Friday the 13th (1980) I Original Trailer [HD] I Coolidge Center Theater, thecoolidge on YouTube)[/caption]
The same summer camp that they shot Friday the 13th in North Jersey. 
Eric Barash
The old abandoned Burlington County College Campus at the corner of Pemberton Bypass and Pemberton Browns Mill Rd
Cindy Nieto
The Pine Barrons! Camden! Paterson!
Rick Verso
Sandy Hook by all the abandoned homes/barracks
Debra Visciano Greiner
The old delapidated casino building between Asbury park and Ocean Grove
Steve Eccles
Grounds for Sculpture
Jeri Fitzgeorge LaMothe
Batsto Village.
John M Salin
Witherspoon Woods in Princeton strange rock formations
Michael Baldwin
Offbeat adventures: Travel to the coolest hidden wonders in every U.S. state
NJ breweries with top-rated beer
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Steve Trevelise only. Follow him on Twitter @realstevetrev.
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