While all of us experienced COVID-19, after the dust settled from that traumatic experience, some still carry quite a few “scars” from the effects of the stress that a quarantine, job loss, severe income loss, and generally a total change in our daily routine had on us.

After the pandemic, people were happy to get back to their lives but the overall strain of the COVID-19 experience left some people with pent-up aggression and very short tempers. As a result, domestic violence was on the rise.

According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, there was a 6% increase here in New Jersey with a total of 63,058 cases of domestic violence. That number is a 6% increase over 2019. There were also marked increases in children and teen involvement. The facts also showed that an increase in alcohol use played a role in those reported domestic violence cases. Keep in mind the 63,058 cases reported here in New Jersey don’t count the number of abuse victims that never reported the violence perpetrated on them.

My psychologist friend who works exclusively with female victims of abuse and because of her work must remain anonymous described the increase as a PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorder from the pandemic. In many cases, stress as a result of the pandemic correlates with the increase in domestic abuse.

I first worked with 180 Turning Lives Around many years ago helping raise needed funds for their Amanda’s Easel program which was designed to provide art therapy to those children affected by domestic violence. A terrific program that really worked bringing calmness and help to those children who needed it desperately. I was fascinated and impressed by all their programs and services used in helping those victims and their children of domestic violence and sexual assault.

180 was started to empower those survivors and families affected by family violence and sexual assault to find the strength and courage to turn their lives around. 180 presents help to those with dignity and respect providing their victims with the privacy they need.

Now more than ever is the time to help 180 Turning Lives Around continue their work as domestic violence is on the rise. If you are a victim of domestic violence or sexual assault, I strongly encourage you to reach out to 180, help is there for you. Their website is 180nj.org and their hotline is:

Domestic Violence:


Sexual Violence:


2NDFLOOR Youth Call and Text Helpline:


You can help 180 Turning Lives Around by donating and giving 180 the resources to help those victims at 180nj.org. Thank you 180 for making a difference.

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The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 weekend host Big Joe Henry. Any opinions expressed are Big Joe’s own.

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