11 ways you know you’re from New Jersey
If you're from Texas, you probably know the starting quarterback for the Cowboys and the Houston Texans, and can name at least three great barbecue places.
A Wisconsin resident probably knows someone in the cheese business, and a Floridian would know where the best beaches are. They'd probably also know someone in jail, but I digress. If you're ever bored, just google "a Florida man..." Yeah, you'll see.
Well, here in our little state there are certain sure-fire signs you are from or have lived in New Jersey a long time. Stuff that would make people from other states cock their heads to the side and wonder what the hell we're talking about.
- 1
You know a "back way" to get to the shore.
- 2
You can name at least five pizza places in your town.
- 3
You know someone or someone who knows someone who is "mobbed up."
- 4
You or someone you know thinks the Jersey Devil is real.
- 5
You know what a jug handle is and can explain why we need them while constantly complaining about them.
- 6
You know someone who knows Bruce, Bon Jovi, Bruce Willis, Kevin Smith, or Donald Trump.
- 7
You've only been to a national chain pizza place for a kid's party.
- 8
You can recommend a good ice cream place on at least two boardwalks.
- 9
You marked some life milestone, i.e. turning 21, bachelorette party, by celebrating in AC.
- 10
You "gotta guy" when you or someone you know has a problem.
- 11
You know exactly what you like on your sub or hoagie, no deviations or hesitation.