You know it’s getting warmer in New Jersey when THIS is open
I have a beach house in Sea Isle City and there's nothing like being there in May as the summer businesses spring back to life. On Mother's Day Yum Yum Ice Cream opens to a line that seems like it's been waiting since last Labor Day when they closed. What's really cool about Yum Yum is that they put a gum drop in the bottom of each cone to keep the ice cream in. I love the almond joy/ pistachio.
I asked my listeners/ followers for some other signs summer is coming to New Jersey. These were some of the responses:
- Kelly Sommerer Bruno - the BRIDGE to seaside. Every hour & on the half hour when the boaters are out and about!
- Tina chimes in with "the shore."
- Kathy and Kenny - Rita's Water Ice. Just looking at the sign can make you feel cooler on a hot day.
- Jason Gasper - Mister Softee. My all time favorite ice cream from the truck which was kept down the block from my house in Union City and every night we would get the leftovers when they drained the machines.
- Comedian Ryan Maher - D'JAIS in Belmar, the summer "hitting on" season is about to begin!
- Comedian John Kensil - "The lid on my grill." Love grilling in the summer time and eating outside. It's great this time of year because the bugs aren't out all the time yet.
- Michael Hoydis - green head flies, the official bird of Long Beach Island.
- Andrew - "When the customer ordering area at Hot Dog Johnny's in Buttzville, NJ becomes open air," to which our own Lou Hochman replies "I went hiking out that way about 6 weeks ago and it was open already. They don't mess around!"
- Mike Barnes - Pirates on the Manasquan.
- Holly Pietrowski - Raceway Park.
- Heather DeLuca - Royal crown in Hammonton.
- Michael Vindick - Webers in Cherry Hill and Scott says "and fake Elvis out front!"
- Tim Kelly- Smitty's Clam Bar.
- Monica Bansky -Mack's Pizza.
- April Fierro Suk -Stewart's! Amazing that they stay in business this long until you taste the root beer then you see why. Or would that be taste why?
- Mike Folk - Hoagitos on the A.P. boardwalk... I want one!
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