Watch Deminski try and fail Doyle’s soda challenge
Jeff Deminski insisted that he can tell the difference between colas; Thursday, we put that claim to the test. You can watch the challenge in the video above.
Here are the four sodas he had to identify:
Bill Doyle photo
This is what we gave him:
red solo cup
Now Jeff goes for his first sip.
Bill Doyle photo
"Hmmm," Jeff thinks, "I know what soda this is."
Bill Doyle photo
Jeff tells our producer, Kylie, and me what soda he thinks is in each cup.
Jeff and Kylie
And, buddy, he's wrong on every single guess.
Jeff Deminski
As promised in the bet we made, now Jeff has to eat one of his least favorite things: liver. Better luck next time, Deminski, enjoy the liver!
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