Why you should ask for a raise in New Jersey today
One of the hardest things to do when you’re happily employed is to ask for a raise.
And the economic downturn that we seem to have finally emerged from has made us all very skittish.
We’ve gotten into the habit of just being happy to be employed. But the times they are a changing and if you’ve been waiting to ask for that raise, now is the time.
A new survey shows only 39 percent of professionals say they tried to negotiate salary during their last job offer. That means that presumably there is more money left in the pot for you. Since your coworkers have not been asking, you can reap the benefits of that.
Also, since companies know that many highly-skilled candidates are offered positions from multiple organizations these days, they go through a shorter hiring process. That gives you the edge.
The implication here is that you have leverage If you are already employed. Why? Because good workers aren’t lining up as they may have been before. Your company may feel luckier to have you than you even know.!
So although it’s never easy to ask for a raise, stop putting it off. Today may be just the day to do it!
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