Why everyone in NJ should support the truckers protesting mandates (Opinion)
For several days now, truckers from across Canada have been protesting in the streets of Ottawa and at the Parliament building. The prime minister, using the excuse that he had to isolate for five days as one of his kids tested positive for COVID, fled the capital with his security team before the truckers arrived.
The protest called the "Freedom Convoy" by several media outlets, reportedly started as a protest against the border-crossing vaccine mandates. One New York Post writer summed up the issue best:
Canadians and Americans see the vaccinated and unvaccinated alike spread the virus that’s mutated into a less dangerous variant and wonder why they have to show their papers to make a living. They watch case numbers drop, along with deaths and hospitalizations, and want to know when they’ll get their lives back.
A GoFundMe for this “small fringe minority” raised nearly $9 million in just two weeks. Sure, they’re only Canadian dollars, but the fuel and food they’ll buy are priced in Canadian dollars.
The truck drivers seem to speak for a growing majority of people both vaccinated and not vaccinated who simply want their freedom back.
Many of us have been questioning the efficacy and necessity of the vaccine for a year now. Many of us have been challenging lockdowns for nearly two years seeing how badly this could turn out. The result? For me, it was outright censorship. I got banned for a time from LinkedIn and blocked from YouTube.
All the while, as far as I can see, those of us who recognized natural immunity back to April 2020 when the top doc at St. Barnabas in the Bronx supported a full open because of natural "herd immunity" long before anyone was getting a jab.
So the reality is setting in with most people now as the news has to report on the facts that people are getting tired of endless COVID protocols, closures, isolation, and masks. They simply want their normal lives back and the Canadian truckers are speaking for that growing group of New Jerseyans.
If you would like to stand up for these courageous long-haulers who are risking their own jobs to protest mandates and restrictions, you can visit their GoFundMe page HERE. Here's an excerpt from the page that captures the focus of the protest:
We are a peaceful country that has helped protect nations across the globe from tyrannical governments who oppressed their people, and now it seems it is happening here. We are taking our fight to the doorsteps of our Federal Government and demanding that they cease all mandates against its people. Small businesses are being destroyed, homes are being destroyed, and people are being mistreated and denied fundamental necessities to survive. It's our duty as Canadians to put an end to this mandates. It is imperative that this happens because if we don't our country will no longer be the country we have come to love. We are doing this for our future Generations and to regain our lives back.
The bottom line is that it's time to stand up, fight back, and say never again when it comes to forced vaccines, lockdowns, and arbitrary restrictions on people's movement and expression.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Spadea. Any opinions expressed are Bill's own. Bill Spadea is on the air weekdays from 6 to 10 a.m., talkin’ Jersey, taking your calls at 1-800-283-1015.

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