Who should you follow on Instagram Live? — Judi’s 6 favorite accounts
To me, the best thing to happen to social media is Instagram Live. Facebook Live was kinda cool in the beginning, Periscope had it's day, too. But Insta-live is like everything rolled into one simple, neat package. No fuss, no miss.
So call me a weirdo or a millennial wannabe, Instagram Live is addictive and the answer to that burning question, "What the hell is everyone in the world who's more interesting than me doing right now?"
I never had the patience to sit through YouTube tutorials, and it's frustrating not to be able to ask questions when you're trying to learn something. And Facebook? Please. There's so much going on on that Instagram page right now it's just a clusterf--k.
I dare you to click onto a live Instagram stream of Gianni Vacci and his gorgeous girlfriend dancing and not be transfixed. It's like hangin' with best friends you don't even know you have yet.
If you're bored this Saturday night, I urge you to dive headfirst into the giddy merry-go-round of popping off the screen fun that is instagram live. For ideas on whose streams to watch, just click on the explore tab (it's a little magnifying glass, you newb!) and then click "top live videos" to find out where the party is.
Not gonna lie, sometimes you have to sift through a lot of crap to find the pearls, so I'll save you some time and tell you who the best live Instagrammers are.
You're welcome. Here are my six favorite accounts.
6. Gianluca Vacchi (@gianlucavacchi)
This Italian magnate/businessman/Bon-vivant/DJ flies private only, dates (and dances with) his magnificent model wife (or is it girlfriend?) Giorgio's Gabriele. Follow them on their globe-trotting escapades and you will not only be riveted, but also insanely jealous.
Nobody actually knows what Vacchi does for a living (Yeah, he's one of those) but suffice it to say it's gotten him a first class life and some pretty sexy dance moves. He'll answer questions but you won't be able to understand the answers! (Not really, but kinda).
The interesting thing about Vacchi is that he appeals to men and women. Men follow him not only because of insanely perfect scantily-clad woman dance with him, but also cause they want to BE him. But for us girls? He'll generally mesmerize you with his swagger, his broken English and his steel baby blues. Yum.
5. Howie Mandel (@howiemandel)
He's first dipping his toes into this world. As you can see from the above, he looks rather confused but I caught his first couple of Instagram lives just after he left his phone in an Uber.
Random followers (like me) were giving him tips on how to locate it and Howie-hilarity ensued. I started watching his Insta lives cause he has that deer in the headlights look a lot of "older" (sorry, Howie) social media types have when they're first getting used to the technology, but as he's getting more and more used to it, it's fun to watch him ease into the medium.
4. Alexia Clarke (@alexia_clarke)
Alexia Clark is an Arizona-based celebrity fitness NASM certified, nutritionist, Reebok and FATE athlete, actress and model. With over half a million followers, she is the only workout person I've been able to follow and stick with.
Maybe because she's so gorgeous that when you're just about to say uncle you keep going just so you can stare at her. Her body is perfection and she imparts so much knowledge to her followers, you pretty much know you're in good hands with her as your "trainer."
I'm too shy to ask her questions (which is kinda dumb since nobody has any idea who I am) but I read what others are asking. Everything from "Do you ever eat bread?" to "Are you single?" and everything in between. She was one of the first adopters of insta live and I'm glad I found her
3. Mackenzie Ziegler (@kenzieziegler)
Don't laugh at me. I know I'm not 12 but I'm in love with Mackenzie Ziegler. I was a fan of dance moms in that ironic way, where you can't stop watching cause it's so bad. But Mackenzie truly transcended the crap that that show was.
With her big sister Maddie, she appeared on Lifetime's "Dance Moms" for six years. She's gorgeous and a gifted dancer. She's also a singer, known professionally as Mack Z. Her 2014 album and its lead single both reached the top of the iTunes charts and Ziegler toured in Australia with her sister in early 2017.
I gotta tell you, her Insta live stream is embarrassingly infectious, with kids asking her questions and BEGGING her to shout them out. But I know other women my age who loved the antics on that show and are seriously hooked on Kenzie's Insta feed too.
She's a 12-year-old triple threat and with more than 6 million followers on Instagram. I sincerely hope the magic lasts for her..
2. Eliana Ledenheim (@eishesstyle)
If you happen to catch Eliana Ledenheim's videos, you'll find them chatty and casual as if you're hanging out with her and her husband and occasionally her sweet baby James in their Westchester, NY living room.
Eishes Style is a play on the words eishes chayil which in Hebrew means "woman of valor." She's a fashionista for women who don't necessarily like to show a lot of skin, and don't necessarily have the cash to fund Haute Couture.
Her thing is dressing modestly, but looking cool doing so. Unlike some of the fashion influencers on social media, she's rapidly gaining followers for her chatty, down to earth, honest interaction on Instagram Live.
Yes, Arielle Noa Charnas gets a lot more viewers when she live streams (cause she's got 8 zillion followers,) but Eliana's lives are less perfect and much more BFF-like, if you know what I mean.
1. Judi Gabbay (@glossipgirl)
My absolute fave Instagram liver is Judi Gabbay, aka Glossip Girl, and it has nothing to do with the fact that we spell our names the same way. Judi Gabbay is the makeup artist to anyone who's anyone and a stunner to boot. Her lives are demos/dmc's (deep meaningful convos, for the old and/or unititiated).
If you're lucky enough to catch Judi on a random Saturday night, you'll find her glamming up for one look, and then just for the sake of those people saying "No, the BROWN lipstick!!" She'll take it off and start all over again.
Judi's followers love Judi, makeup and skin care (in that order) and clamor to get attention, advice and answers from her about makeup and life. She's one of the few Instagrammers out there who sincerely does it for you, not just for her, and you can tell that two minutes into the stream.
Her feed is addictive. Take a look at her Instagram feed and maybe you'll be lucky enough to see her live streaming. It's more than just make-up. She's funny, talented as hell and whip-smart. You're gonna wanna stalk her and be her BFF.
It's one of the reasons my husband has lost me to my iPhone on many a Saturday evening. Check her out and follow.
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