What stresses us out most in NJ and why we’re one of the least stressed-out states
How much stress do you feel living in New Jersey? Not much, according to WalletHub, which ranked Garden State 41st on a list out of 50. That puts New Jersey in the Top 10 least stressed out states. How can that be you ask?
I have a theory. Along with New Jersey being in the Top 10 of least stressed out states, we also lead the nation in profanity. We curse therefore we are. While other states hold their tension in their frustration which builds stress, we let ours out with a few choice words or a simple bird flip.
Personally, I think the middle finger could actually replace the American goldfinch as the official bird of New Jersey. I also think the flipped bird should be on-road tests so that future drivers could know how to avoid stress when someone drives too slow in the left lane or cuts them off. This could go a long way toward cutting down fatal car accidents.
Growing up in New Jersey, I've become a big fan of the curse. Something happens that stresses you out, let one rip. You immediately feel better. While F**k you could lead to an altercation in other states, here, it's a welcome greeting followed by a bro hug, "Bring it in."
So let those other states live with their polite frustration biting their lip at the first sign of stress, welcome to New Jersey, where we don't bite our lip, we give you some.
Here are some of the many things that stress us out in New Jersey. If you let out a curse after everyone, you're going to feel great today!
Brian Brown
Gov. Murphy
Beth Coffey Fite
Driving to the shore on Friday night of Memorial Day weekend.
Thomas Mongelli
Negotiating traffic circles in the senior citizen capital of the state.
Jill Zutty
John J Ruppert
The Right Turns To Make A Left Turn LOL
Robin Oratio
Property Tax!
Deena Gordon
The most stressful thing about living in NJ is that it's NJ. Nuff said.
Gary Cavico
Driving on the parkway during rush hour
Mark G Tillson
Potholes in jersey
Robert Michelin
Taxes. Taxes and Taxes. Good thing we have an excellent radio station
Matt Heavens
Finding an affordable shore rental
Peter Delutis
Trying to get construction permits so your renovations will be done within a year not 5 years
Kieran Thomas Gormley
Being able to afford it
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Steve Trevelise only. Follow him on Twitter @realstevetrev.
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