What NJ has to say about Kavanaugh (it isn’t all pretty)
Television's new fall season can't match the drama (Kavanaugh's opening statement) and comedy (Cory Booker's exit) of Judge Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation hearings, better known as "Fast Times at Kavanaugh High."
We know he likes beer and kept a journal of everyday of his high school and college life. Doesn't everybody? What we'll never know is what really happened between Kavanaugh and Dr Christine Blasey Ford. Despite that, the FBI continues to investigate as Joe Biden reminds us of what that means.
But what does all this mean to you?
A Fairleigh Dickinson University poll shows that more than half want him rejected. The FDU poll surveyed 805 adults, including 508 likely voters, last Tuesday through Sunday.
I took my own poll on the radio as well as my social media on Monday and here's some of what I got.
From Facebook:
Rob Farber: "Yeah."
Samantha Murphy: "No, he has no ability to remain calm and he perjured the crap out of himself when questioned."
Nick Palumbo Sr.: "I'd vote for him twice."
Richard Kane: "Hell no!"
Richard Toczynski: "Every time."
Terri Gagliardi: "The FBI's investigation is limited and lasts one week. They need unlimited access and a longer time period to do a proper investigation. That being said, he doesn't possess the temperament to do the job."
Steven Matthew: "You do realize the man has already passed 6 FBI background investigations! Not to mention, Bill Clinton's legal team couldn't find anything negative about Judge Kavanaugh when he was one of the lead investigators for Ken Starr's Whitewater investigation!"
Volontà Valiante: "I would have killed someone. He remained clam by Italian standards. And if I were sexually assaulted or raped I sure as hell wouldn't forget the day, date or year. It would be ingrained in my memory forever! Much like 911 is ingrained in our memory."
Brian T Nolan: "In a heartbeat."
Dirk Alexander: "Who’s Kavanaugh?"
Jack Dupps Duppel: "No."
Nicholas Barbella: "Yes!!"
Keith Vena: "Yes!!! This is such a farce"
Dennis Hannan: "No, he just doesn't have the temperament or composure."
Gina Preston Caplan: "No. Who had the motivation to lie here: the woman with nothing to gain or the man with everything to lose?"
Chris McKelvey: :" would vote Steve Trevelise onto the Supreme Court. Broccoli rabe for everybody!"
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