What New Jersey really wants from the state this holiday season (opinion)
If you live in New Jersey, then it's only natural to want the best from the state. For whatever reason, we always seem to fall short with the same things every year.
Before we dive into the wishlist, let's look at what we already have. For one, we're at the top of the list when it comes to education.
We also have amazing food. You really can't beat the pizza or bagels this state has to offer.
But with so many things there is to love about this state, there are some that never seem to get better. To keep it simple, we'll focus on just three of them.
So let's dive into three of the most common complaints in this state, and what we'd wish our statehouse would do for us as a gift this holiday season.
3) Tolls
Whether it's the fare we pay, or the backward method of the tollbooth set up (I'm looking at you, parkway), this needs to be addressed.
Remember the promises of a toll-free Garden State Parkway? Yeah, we see how well that one worked out.
So even if we can't get rid of the tolls, is it too much to ask to streamline how we pay from toll road to toll road? Or, ensure the tolls stay low at a point where they won't break the bank?
It costs a fortune to commute to Manhattan. So please, let's get the gift of toll relief this holiday season.
2) A transit that's on-time (and up to date)
How often can we go an entire day with our transit system being on time? Our rail system used to be among the best in the country, but now it's a sad embarrassment.
So another thing on the wishlist should be a revamped transit system. No more delays, just smooth riding on the rails.
1) Lower taxes
The biggest one of all. Out-of-control taxes just to live in this state. And the last thing we had that we could brag about was our savings at the pump, but now that's gone.
So as a general statement for all New Jersians, please get our taxes under control. That would probably be the best gift the statehouse could give us this holiday season.
A more affordable New Jersey with tax refunds under our trees. Or, a property tax statement that's half of what it was this year.
To be honest, I won't hold my breath for any of these, but it's okay to dream, right? I mean, dreams do come true sometimes.
Of course, these are only a few things out of many the state can do for us, but we have to start somewhere. Lower taxes, a more efficient transit system, and no more tolls would make a nice gift from the statehouse this holiday season.
So out of the three listed above, what's your first choice as a gift from our politicians this holiday season? Clearly, we'd like them all, but if we can only get one, what's your top choice?
Vote below and let us know.