Time to Drill 2.0! Don’t Let NJ Lose Again
I'm on a major mission to get offshore drilling into the conversation for New Jersey. Following up on my article from Tuesday, I brought in some additional facts today. We had a caller who pointed out that in Santa Barbara, California, the offshore drilling accounts for sludge on the beach and even the resorts have to give out special oils to guest to clean their feet.
Thinking that this could be an exaggeration or at the very least having nothing to do with offshore drilling, I did a little research. Turns out that 98% of the oil coming ashore in Santa Barbara is from natural seepage. The National Academies of Science has a published report discussing this phenomenon. So once again, a little bit of knowledge goes a long way. Seems to me that because of the natural seepage, the oil companies knew exactly where they ought to put the drills to capture and monetize the fuel that keeps America moving forward.
Beyond the natural seeps, there's the pollution from cars and boats that account for a major pollution problem in the oceans. The bottom line is that the technology for extraction is incredibly advanced, safe and clean. Did you know that 97% of the oil getting into the ocean comes from a combination of natural seeps, consumption and transportation. Hollywood and lazy media make sure that the average person doesn't. But before you jump on the Murphy/Pallone bandwagon, do a little research and ask them why they wouldn't consider a conversation with the Trump Administration about the potential windfall opportunities for our financially beleaguered state.
Fossil fuels are here to stay, at least for the foreseeable future. So why are we not jumping at the chance to take full advantage of what might be only a few miles off our coast, or closer? Florida has taken themselves out of the running but the other eastern seaboard states may jump before us negotiating a windfall for revenue, jobs and sustained prosperity.
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