The New Jersey storm isn’t a ‘bomb’ — It’s just snow
This isn’t a bomb. It’s snow.
I'm thinking back to a recent storm. I forget whether it was hurricane Tallulah or tropical storm Bubba or some similarly, stupidly named weather event.
Our own meteorologist, Dan Zarrow, was purposely not mentioning the storm by its human name. When I asked why, he said those names were a construct of weather services to generate more buzz and publicity for them. That really got me thinking.
We are being manipulated by weather propaganda, especially on TV. TV meteorologists are most guilty of this because they have the fancy graphics and the cool animations to really grab our attention. Weather experts and social media would like to turn this storm into a cute hashtag or a new pop-meteorological term.
Stop. It’s not a bomb. It’s a snowstorm.
I laughed when I first heard the term polar vortex, because to us it was just really cold. Then I laughed when I heard the term “feels-like” temperature. You know how we knew what it felt like? From feeling it!
I always laugh when I hear a TV weather dude menacingly say that a storm threatens “33 million people in its path,” because it’s really only going to affect 10 percent of those people. Maybe 5. Probably 2.
The point is weather, like any other kind of news, can be sensationalized to the point where we can’t even take it seriously anymore — can’t trust it for just basic information.
Calling this a bomb or a cyclone bomb or whatever is just a way of the boy crying wolf. Keep giving storms and extreme weather events scary names and forecasting scary and threatening outcomes (with little chance of them actually happening), and we will continue to question your credibility and stop trusting you all together.
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