This is New Jersey’s favorite nickname for grandparents
There are few relationships in life that are as special as the one between grandparents and their grandchildren. The relationship is so special that terms of endearment are often used instead of their titles. These nicknames for grandparents vary widely throughout the country with some areas favoring some nicknames more than others.
A website called Preply conducted a nationwide survey to find out which nicknames are used most often and where they are used in the country. They took “grandma” and “grandpa” off the table since using the title itself is still the most common form of address.
So, what are New Jersey’s favorites? For grandmothers, it’s “Bubbe” and for grandfathers, it’s “Papa.” Bubbe is Yiddish for grandmother; New Jersey is the only state where Bubbe is tops.
Papa, on the other hand, is the most common nickname for grandfathers in a total of 13 states, making it the overall most popular nickname.
The overall most common nickname for grandmothers is Nana; it is tops in 12 states.
Other common nicknames for grandmas include Abuela, Grammy, Mawmaw, and the more formal “Grandmother.”
Some that didn’t show up include Nonna, Mimi, and Yaya.
Some common grandfather nicknames include Granddad, Pawpaw, Pop-pop, Abuelo, and Gramps. Opa and Dedushka showed up in one state apiece.
Some other interesting facts unearthed in the survey include a whopping 68% of respondents agree that they’d rather spend time with their grandparents over their own parents, accounting for the majority in 35 states.
According to the survey, the average American sees at least one grandparent 27 times a year and 45% talk to a grandparent on the phone at least once a month.
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Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Doyle only.
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