Things Jersey’d rather do than watch the Grammys
While lots of the beautiful people and those who yearn to be were watching the Grammy Awards, not everyone was that interested. Here are some of the things some would rather do:
Tony Gervasi - Triple root canal while getting a colonoscopy.
Stephen Siegel - Flossing
Char McCallum - Anything!
Chrissy Biglin Harris -
I'm studying if I didn't have to study I rather watch paint dry
Toby Ryan - watching ice cubes form
Paul Liberatori - Ironing my socks
Jim Dobbins - Slamming my head in a car door.
Rene Bel - Watching my Doberman puppy tear my house apart!
Tom Zola - Pulling out my fingernails with pliers
Joe Scafuto - Make Zeppolis
Bob O'Brien - eating tainted romaine lettuce
Bob Collins - Watching The Walking Dead...better zombies
Perry Wolfe - My wife and I found better entertainment ‘upstairs’..
Carlo Bellario - Wishing Steve Trevelise was on the air on Sundays....(couldn't resist ;)
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