These Christie sketches can save $85,000 in tax money
You probably heard the news by now that former Gov. Chris Christie chose to spend $85,000 commissioning a special Australian artist to paint his official portrait that will hang in the Statehouse. All former governors have a portrait made, but this is the most money ever spent. Why so much? The artist is sought after by royalty and celebrities. Read more about it here along with how much more tax money was wasted by other former governors.
I'm thinking that $85,000 could send several more kids to school. Or plow a few more streets. Or hire some extra caseworkers for child protective services. Or maybe best yet be returned to the taxpayers. So how could we save $85,000? That's where my kids come in.
I told Jack and Mina the story about the expensive portrait and asked if they could do their own portrait of Chris Christie for free. They were more than happy to help.
My son Jack, 13, came up with this rendering of the former governor. A fairly apt likeness, but he just couldn't resist editorializing. Gee, I wonder where he gets that from?
Then Mina, 11, went a whole other way with it. Hers was a bit more of an abstract work. Or maybe that's a George Washington powdered wig she assumes would make him look more dignified? Or perhaps she thought I meant Christie Whitman? In any event, I love the ears.
If these don't suffice, we can always take that famous beach picture and frame it. After all it was good enough for 1,000 different memes, it ought to be good enough to save us $85,000. There you go. Problem solved.
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