The most disgusting gift ever given
Our friend and colleague from our digital department Toniann Antonelli surprised me with a Christmas gift. I should have been suspicious right from the beginning when I noticed news anchor Jen Ursillo giggling from the news booth. Yes, she was in on it. Take a look at me opening the most disgusting, disturbing Christmas present ever.
Okay, so now that you've seen it, if you didn't quite catch it it's a "Robo Wipe" which fits into your toilet and eliminates the paperwork. With a speed of 2700 RPM, the box boasts it's #1 in #2s and that you'll never have to buy toilet paper again! The packaging claims it's even dishwasher safe. Uh...
But it's not a real product. It's one of those gag Prank Me boxes that you put whatever the real present is inside. Thank God! So what was inside? A few little bottles of my daily caffeine source, Diet Mt. Dew.
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