‘The Military Diet': Day Two…Hunger and Happiness?
Yes, it happened. Jen and Kristen came to work today even happier than yesterday. And this after a full day of the low calorie, "Military Diet". Have to say I'm a little surprised. The dinner from last night included only 4 ounces of meat and among a few other things, a cup of ice cream. Both of them told me desperately that they were actually full after dinner.
Seems they had a little help staying motivated from our colleague Phil from sales who joined them in the three day test of self control.
Today's breakfast was one hard boiled egg, one piece of whole grain bread and a half of a banana.
Check in tomorrow to see how the third and final day is going...thinking of a bet on moods...
Bill Spadea is on the air weekdays from 6 to 10 a.m., talkin’ Jersey, taking your calls at 1-800-283-1015. Tweet him @NJ1015 or @BillSpadea. The opinions expressed here are solely those of Bill Spadea.
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