The Guadagno-Murphy governor’s race as a movie project
Here we are just 7 weeks away from an election where not only every member of the legislature is up for re-election but we're also going to be choosing a new governor. Yet a recent poll says about 40% of New Jerseyans don't even know the two main candidates running. While that group collectively yawns, here's one for the 60% that is well aware.
Think of this governor's race as a movie. Who would you cast to play Phil Murphy and Kim Guadagno? What campaign songs would go on the soundtrack?
After Murphy's assertion that New Jersey should have tuition free community college within 4 years, I think his obvious campaign song needs to be "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town" by Bruce. Listeners also suggested "Taxman" by the Beatles. For Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno, desperately trying to distance herself from the unpopular Chris Christie, Shaggy's "It Wasn't Me" was recommended.
Maybe this sinking ship of an election ought to just go with the Titanic theme song or "The End" by The Doors and be done with it.
As far as who should play Murphy and Guadagno? I was thinking Bonnie Hunt for Kim and maybe Woody Harrelson for Murphy. Our listeners had some great suggestions.
Here are just a few for Murphy:
Billy Bob Thornton
Michael Keaton
the Gil character from The Simpsons
Homie The Clown
But the grand slam winner I think is Neil Flynn from The Middle. You get a buzzcut on this face and you've got Phil Murphy.
For Kim Guadagno the suggestions were:
Estelle Harris who played George's mom on Seinfeld (personally not seeing this one)
Cameron Diaz
Reese Witherspoon
Kim Catrall
Helen Hunt
The home run for me was the suggestion of Tess Harper from No Country for Old Men. Once you look at her, it's impossible to not see Kim Guadagno.
Well done New Jersey! Now get back to that yawn, you only have seven weeks left.
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