The Big Joe Jersey Talent Show cancelled for the summer of 2020
This year would have been our 20th year of The Big Joe Jersey Talent Show on the beach at Jenkinson’s in Pt. Pleasant Beach. In the 20 years that I’ve done this show every Sunday night in the summer, I’ve never missed a night.
It pains me to have to cancel but our partners at Jenkinson’s and my radio station New Jersey 101.5 know that it’s in the best interest of the fans, performers and our staff to regroup and put all are efforts into next summer.
The Big Joe Jersey Talent Show has showcased the best amateur talent in the state, region and country!
In the last 20 years of the Talent Show over 30 of our contestants are either currently on or have performed on Broadway. We’ve had 3 contestants make it to the top 10 in American Idol, 2 have been in the Top 5 in the Voice and 2 contestants have made it to the top 7 in America’s Got Talent.
For our finals and semi-finals we’ve been successful in acquiring celebrity judges who are Academy Award winners, Golden Globe winners, Rock and Roll Hall of Famers, Grammy Award winners and nominees and accomplished actors, comedians and Broadway stars.
All of our judges donate their time to The Talent Show. The Big Joe Jersey Talent Show is the biggest Talent Show in New Jersey and we take the true amateur status very seriously.
I’ll miss you this summer but suggest to those who want to compete next summer, keep on working at your talent, enjoy the summer and I’ll see you on the beach next June. Good luck to you all.
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