I wish there were a video.

The BBC reports that in a bar in Evesham near Worcestershire, a squirrel got in while the place was closed and went berserk. When Sam Boulter went to open up the next day he found glasses and bottles smashed everywhere, beer covering the floor. While inspecting the damage, he saw a squirrel stagger out from behind a box of 'crisps' (what we call potato chips). Sure enough, the squirrel was hammered.

"There were bottles scattered around, money scattered around and he had obviously run across the bar's pumps and managed to turn on the Caffrey's tap. He must have flung himself on the handle and drank some as he was staggering around all over the place and moving a bit slowly. I've never seen a drunk squirrel before. He was sozzled and looked a bit worse for wear, shall we say."

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