Reese’s vs. Kit Kat for the candy championship
It’s the matchup I was dreading. Chocolate on chocolate.
Having made it all the way to the Flavorful 4, Smarties, the last pure sugar treat left standing from the Sweets 16, was taken down by Kit Kat 63.39% to 36.61%. In the other matchup Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups was too much for Jersey’s own M&Ms and advanced to the finals 60.88% to 39.12%. Even the internet rumors of slow sales bringing about the discontinuation of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups was not enough to help M&Ms. Maybe that fake news even hurt the Hackettstown classic.
So here we arrive at the ultimate showdown on Halloween. Which candy is truly New Jersey’s favorite? Polls are open until 6pm.
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