Primary Election Day coming up on Tuesday in NJ
Are you ready? Remember, in order to have "One Less Idiot" on the ballot in November, you need to vote in the Primary Election on Tuesday, June 6.
It's time for us to get serious about the political leaders we send to City Hall and to Trenton. For decades our state has been run into the ground by over-zealous Democrats and weak Republicans. Time to support strong, independent thinkers who have experience running businesses, raising families, and managing local government.
Adam Kandil is running for Council in Parsippany. His team, including Paul Carifi and Matt McGrath, is running strong and is ready to support my friend Mayor Jamie Barberio, one of the strongest and most successful mayors in Morris County, along with Mayor Mark Taylor in Florham Park (who is running for re-election) and Mayor Ace Gallagher in Hanover.
The race is all about local issues dealing with infrastructure, taxes, and the basic function of government. To that end, Kandil's opponents are already in hot water for not filing legally required reports with ELEC.
Jason Sarnoski and Josh Aikens are running for the State Assembly. They are battling as true conservatives against a couple of insiders who have a history of ignoring and even embracing far-left radical policies like "ESG" and drag queen story hour for children.
Nick DeSilvio is running for State Senate in Gloucester, Camden, and Salem. He's a successful county commissioner running against a slate of candidates handpicked by the same cabal of insiders who have been running the party and the state into the ground. I'll be joining the District 4 team including Michael Clark and Denise Gonzalez on Saturday to knock on doors this weekend.
Jennifer Johnson is running for Council in Hopatcong. She explained that she and her running mates, including Marie Galate who is running for Mayor, and Rachel Rodriguez are campaigning on the "Five Ps": pride in the community; keeping property taxes down, paving roads; plowing snow, and creating positive programs for kids and families.
Senator Ed Durr is running for re-election and is being challenged by the backroom "swamp creatures" who are trying to derail Ed's re-election despite the fact that he truly speaks for the "common man". The elites who are challenging him are more concerned about their own paychecks and perks heading into 2025 and could not care less about changing the majority in Trenton. We know better and are putting our time and money where our mouth is. Jodi and I will be joining Ed and his team knocking on doors this weekend.
RJ Casendino is running for Council in Roxbury. He's a solid local leader, a local law enforcement officer and heads up the local youth football program, and a friend of our own Bob Williams!
Don't forget if you live in Toms River there's a great opportunity to elect a new mayor who will surely represent the interests of all the residents of the Ocean County community. Geri Ambrosio has a shot in a crowded field to emerge as the next mayor. She needs your vote on Tuesday!
And in Morris and Passaic County, Tom Mastrangelo is running a very strong campaign for the state senate and will certainly represent the rest of us in Trenton, let's send him there.
We're also working with Mayor Owen Henry who is running for the State Senate, former Congressman Mike Pappas, and former Nurse Pat Johnson who are also running for the State Senate in the 16th and 14th respectively.
We're also looking forward to helping Bill Mikita who's running against the guy who gave us the bag ban! John Bacchione who is running for mayor in Berkeley Township, Mayor Carmen Amato who is running for the State Senate and Mayor Greg Myhre and Assemblyman Brian Rumpf running for the Assembly in the 9th District covering Ocean County.
And in Bergen County, three veterans running in the 36th district Craig Auriemma, Chris Auriemma, and Joe Viso have an outstanding chance of turning another district red. Also, Andrew Saad running for Readington council has my full support.
I want to thank some of the great county leaders who helped pave the way for many of these outstanding candidates. Jacci Vigilante in Gloucester, Tim Howes in Somerset, Lisa Richford in Mercer, George Gilmore in Ocean, Jose Arango in Hudson, Jack Zisa in Bergen, and Senator Doug Steinhardt in Warren. I'm sure there will be many more to thank and add to the list as we head into the November general election! See you on the trail.
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The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Spadea. Any opinions expressed are Bill's own. Bill Spadea is on the air weekdays from 6 to 10 a.m., talkin’ Jersey, taking your calls at 1-800-283-1015.
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