Phil Murphy compared Goldman Sachs to the Marines
While I don't like either major party choice for governor this election, do I really want a governor who compared Goldman Sachs to the Marines? No, I don't. You shouldn't either.
Phil Murphy likes to talk a big game about what a down to earth guy he is because of his humble beginnings in Massachusetts. His father was a high school drop out who struggled to find any job he could. This is supposed to make us know that if you struggle in New Jersey, Phil Murphy cares and will have your back. You need to remember he spent 23 years at Goldman Sachs becoming filthy rich. That's longer than his entire childhood. A childhood he's probably long forgotten until its useful in an ad. 23 years at Goldman Sachs. A company that had so much to do with profiting from subprime mortgages crumbling, deceiving investors, and playing a role in the entire economic collapse of our nation. Then they were bailed out. Too big to fail. Did he lose his money? No. When he left the firm, Der Spiegel estimated his wealth at several hundred million dollars. Thanks for being part of what left the country in financial ruins and walking away clean yourself, Phil. What a guy.
But you already knew all that. Did you know though that this clown once compared himself and the boys at Goldman Sachs to the Marines? Yes. It's true. I've included several links to read for yourself. Speaking to WSJ in 1998 Phil Murphy said, “We [at Goldman Sachs] are elite in the sense the Marine Corps is elite." You can see for yourself here, here, and also here.
Listen, I don't care in what stretch of context this was said, it's deplorable. He compared a bunch of cut throat rich snobs like his buddy Corzine to the Marine Corps. He compared self-interest to complete selflessness. He compared a lavish lifestyle to risking your life for your fellow man and country. This is absolutely appalling no matter the context. When Phil Murphy picks up a weapon and stands a post and doesn't run when death is coming his way then he can talk to us about how elite he is.
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