NJ’s Popcorn Park Zoo is celebrating 45 years of operations
Ok, so its official name is the Associated Humane Societies Popcorn Park Animal Refuge — and it is celebrating 45 years of rescuing animals.
To mark the occasion the refuge is having a celebration event at the Animal Refuge on Sep. 10 from 5-9 p.m.
As part of the festivities, the park will officially welcome the four new big cats they got in June:
According to Patch.com, the Popcorn Park Animal Refuge started in 1977 when a raccoon named Rigby was brought to the Humane Society with an injured leg that had been hurt when he was caught in a leg trap.
Since he was unsuitable to be released back into the wild, he stayed with the AHS and an animal refuge was born.
Now, the park is home to 200 rescued animals.
"We look forward to welcoming friends and supporters to celebrate this milestone and welcome our new additions to the Park. For forty-five years Popcorn Park has provided families with an opportunity to see and learn about the animals we have rescued and provide care for. There are few places like it on the East Coast," Jerry Rosenthal, CEO of Associated Humane Societies & Popcorn Park, said in a release.
The event costs $100 per person, including food and drink. Vegetarian and vegan options are available.
The attire is cocktail casual. Visit AHS online to purchase tickets.
Ok, so I’m not a big fan of capybaras, but the turtle is pretty awesome.
Troy the mini-horse is fond of the popcorn visitors share with him.
That’s an albino corn snake (I don’t know if he likes popcorn)
If you go to the park, be aware that there are many peacocks roaming around, which isn’t a problem unless one of them lets out a scream right behind you. Trust me, I know.
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Doyle only.
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