It seems like they were just as many Korean places popping up all over New Jersey as there are pizza shops. Korean is one of the favorite Asian foods of New Jersey residents and foodies and pretty much everyone has a favorite Korean barbecue in every New Jersey town. But there’s one dish that we all love.
Any time a food topic comes up on the air, someone mentions Bulgogi. For the uninitiated, Bulgogi is similar to teriyaki beef but with traditional Korean spices. Especially on a cold day, a warm bowl of Bulgogi is so satisfying.
The unfortunate thing is that it’s extremely difficult to recreate bulgogi at home due to the fact that many grocery stores lack the ingredients needed for that authentic taste.
I personally don’t always have the time to drive to the nearest Asian market for these ingredients, so I have come up with a recipe that tastes just as good, and requires half of the usual ingredients.
Here’s what you’ll need:
For cooking the beef:
- ¼ cup teriyaki
- 1 tbsp sesame oil
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 1 tbsp sriracha
- Sprinkle of salt and pepper
- 1 cup broccoli
- Cabbage slaw of choice
- Sesame Seeds
For the bowl:
- ½ bag lettuce
- ¼ cup edamame
- ¼ cup chopped carrots
- ¼ cup corn
- ¼ cup chopped cucumber
The first thing you can do to prepare this bowl is get all of your ingredients for the bowl prepped. Cook your corn and edamame plainly, and chop up your carrots, lettuce and corn to your liking. Once everything is prepped you can set the bowl aside at room temperature if you want to enjoy your meal hot.
In terms of the beef, you first want to oil up your pan and cook your cabbage slaw and broccoli until they are steamed and begin to shrink.
Next, add a little bit of garlic for extra flavor. Once the cabbage and broccoli have a little bit of color, add in your meat.
You want to cook the meat until there is no liquid left on the pan, and it becomes a little crispy.
I also like to add sesame seeds while the meat cooks for that extra toasted flavor.
Once the meat is ready, place directly into the salad bowl and enjoy. You can even spice this up and add a fried egg, but either way it’s delicious.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Judi Franco. Any opinions expressed are Judi Franco’s own.