NJ public schools can teach religions just don’t preach them
Parents at Chatham Middle School are up in arms because their children are being taught and tested on the Islam religion, yet students cannot bring up the bible. Should New Jersey public schools be taught any form of religion? I say teach it, all of it that applies to your area, but don't preach it.
Most children are raised in some form of religion. Those teachings and beliefs come from their place of worship such as the church, temple, mosque, or those that they worship with, be it a priest, rabbi, etc. But where do children learn about the other religions that exist in their world? Perhaps if they had a basic understanding of what others believed they would be able to understand each other and get along better. It could also spark some great dialogue at home. How much conversation about your faith is going on now?
The problem I have with what's going on in Chatham is if you're going to teach the Muslim faith then you should also teach Judaism, Christianity and. Buddhism equally from a sociological standpoint. "These are the other religions that your classmates believe in." If schools are going to delve into religion then it should be just an overview of what they are and who or what they believe while constantly reinforcing that these are the views of the different faiths and not the school. The rest is better left for place of worship.
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