The thrill of the playoffs, the thrill of getting a ticket to see your favorite team play live on the road is an exciting experience. Not so much for this Green Bay Packer fan who was decked out in green and gold.

She was there to cheer her team on and did not expect to run into a jerk from East Brunswick who is an Eagles fan.

On a close play on the goal line the jerk, bully and obnoxious Eagles fan from New Jersey called this lady an extremely offensive word that I will not print or repeat.

The very unassuming woman Green Bay fan, who did absolutely nothing to provoke a response, was minding her own business and tried to calm down the situation. The guy next to her asked the jerk why he would say that and then the jerk repeated that she was this very offensive word.

You watch her fiance's video below. Be warned that the language is NSFW:

The wonderful thing about the times that we live in, everyone has a camera on their phone, and everyone was ready to call this jerk out by posting the video on social media.

The post went viral and was seen by the management of the Philadelphia Eagles. He was outed with his name and company and the Eagles, much to my applause banned this jerk from ever attending another Eagles game.

UPDATE: He's now been fired from his job, too.

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I have played the game and as a player I was called nasty names, I expected that.

I have been in the stands at many games and have seen the ridiculousness that goes on along with the yelling and guttural name-calling. Some of it is fun, some of it is nasty and some are just part of the game.

What this jerk from East Brunswick did was out of control and with absolutely no justification.

I have not even touched on the fact that there may have been kids in the stands in that area.

The only reason for this despicable behavior is that this woman was wearing her team colors.

The game is to be enjoyed. I hope this raises enough eyebrows to calm down some of the stupid behavior at pro football games. I’ll be home watching the games on TV.

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Gallery Credit: Katrina Sirotta

The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 weekend host Big Joe Henry. Any opinions expressed are Big Joe’s own.

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