NJ home to 3 of the top-10 longest routes in the US
There's nothing that screams adventure than a cross-country road trip. To get in the car and just drive away without a care in the world.
In the United States, we're very fortunate to have a road system that makes such travel possible. And whether you want to make it a quick trip or take your sweet time, the vast majority of routes you can travel make it all possible.
Most people might think that our interstates are the only way to go. But prior to that, we more or less had to rely on the country's federal route system.
What's more, many of our federal routes are just as long, if not longer, than their interstate counterparts. In fact, the longest highway in America isn't an interstate at all.
And as far as New Jersey is concerned, we're actually home to some of the longest routes in America. That's right, some of the longest highways in the country pass right through the great Garden State.
What's more, two of these highways actually begin in New Jersey (or end, depending on how you look at it). How awesome is that?
Check out the list below of the top 10 longest routes in America, which include both interstates and US federal routes. Out of all the routes below, three of them are right here in New Jersey.
These are the top 10 longest federal & interstate routes in the US
Three major highways make the list for New Jersey
Interstate 80 and US Route 1 are more obvious, but US Route 30? Yup, the White Horse Pike is also one of the nation's longest routes which ends (or begins, depending on how you look at it) in Atlantic City.
But it's not just the longest routes that have a Jersey tie. One of the most scenic roads in America is also here.
Check out that list below and see if you can guess which highway it is.
See the Must-Drive Roads in Every State
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 Sunday morning host Mike Brant. Any opinions expressed are his own.
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