This NJ city is among the 10 best for luxury and food in America
When it comes to luxury experiences, New Jersey doesn't fall short. In fact, one might argue that many places in New Jersey can give you that vibe.
Doesn't matter if you're north, south, east, west, or even central, this tiny state offers a lifestyle that's often unmatched anywhere else. Yes, it's expensive here, but at least we do get a lot out of it to some extent.
So a luxury experience is one thing, and we're fortunate enough to have one New Jersey city make the top 10 nationally as the best city in America to offer such a lifestyle. But it doesn't stop there.
This very same city also came in among the top 3 when it comes to food. Yes, top 3 in the entire country for its culinary delights.
First, Our Neighbors
Before we get into which great New Jersey City ranked so well, it's important to note that the two biggest cities near The Garden State also ranked. Both Philadelphia and New York City were included in the list, but the results might surprise you.
Let's start with New York City. According to a 2024 Dominion survey that ranked the 100 best cities in the nation for their luxury experiences, New York City got the top spot in more than half the categories, and the top 10 in those that didn't make number one.
Needless to say, no other city ranked nearly as well. But perhaps a bright spot here for the Garden State is that our other neighboring big city, Philadelphia, ranked lower than New Jersey (although not by much).
Overall, Philadelphia ranked 19th best in the nation, which is still really good. The bottom here is that no matter where you are in New Jersey, you live among the best of the best cities in the nation when it comes to luxury and food.
But what about us?
Now that we know where our neighboring cities fall, what about New Jersey? Well, that honor goes to Jersey City, ranking 9th best overall in the nation as one of the top 100 luxury cities in the country, according to Dominion.
But it doesn't stop there. Jersey City is also 2nd best in the nation for its culinary delights, with only New York City beating it out for the number one spot.
Philadelphia, on the other hand, ranked 20th for its food. Again, pretty good overall for our entire area... but especially for our very own, Jersey City.
A special shout-out should also be given to Newark, which ranked 24th overall as one of the best cities for a luxury experience. On top of that, Newark also landed the number three spot for its culinary delights... way to go, New Jersey.
Other Top Categories
Jersey City also ranked very high in the well-being category, landing as 2nd best in the nation. And as you might've guessed, New York City snatched the number one spot here as well.
As for Philly? They came in as the 25th best for their well-being, with Newark at 31 (you can find the full results of the Dominion survey, including a more detailed analysis, here).
But the facts still remain. New Jersey, as a whole, is among one of the places to be for the best luxury and food in America.
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Gallery Credit: Bankrate/New Jersey 101.5
The above post reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 Sunday morning host & content contributor Mike Brant. Any opinions expressed are his own.
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