New Jersey wants to get thin and get laid in the new year (Opinion)
How many times in the last six months have you heard people say, "I can't wait til this year is over"?! More than you can count on one hand, for sure. The truth is, the beginning of 2021 may be as rough or worse than this past year. Things could seem more normal and optimistic by the middle or end of next year, but the turning of the page on your calendar won't change much.
Politicians will make and ease rules, businesses will struggle and some survive, but the real entity in charge is "The Virus". We should see society moving back to a more acceptable position well into the new year. The one thing you have the best control over is your life. You can take better care of your health, mental and physical. Many people resolve each year to lose weight and get in better shape.
A survey broke taken this time last year broke down the statistics by state on what people in every state would like to change in 2020. Exercising and finding love were the top two in New Jersey. While many people found it more difficult to mingle, some people actually did find love during the pandemic.
No one saw the novel coronavirus and social upheaval that was to come. The old saying, "man plans and God laughs" was never truer than in this past year. There are some good ideas on what to strive for in the next year that could fit into most of our lives. I like #2 on this list. There are a ton more on this to explore that you can laugh at now or this time next year.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Dennis Malloy. Any opinions expressed are Dennis's own.