As the most densely populated state in the country, you would think that there are more opportunities for singles here in New Jersey. You would be correct but it is not because we are the most densely populated state.

According to a new report released by WalletHub in their 2024’s Best and Worst States for Singles, New Jersey ranks 10th as the best state for singles based on criteria, some of which include:

  • Online Dating Opportunities
  • Mobile Dating Opportunities
  • Median Annual Household Income (Adjusted for the cost of living)
  • Restaurants per Capita
  • Crime Rate

In looking at New Jersey numbers it was interesting that the online dating opportunities were ranked seventh and eighth, the crime rate ranked sixth best in the country and median household income ranked fourth.

With an abundant number of restaurants here in New Jersey to satisfy your pallet the restaurant per capita ranking was an impressive fourth-best.

Photo by Zakaria Zayane on Unsplash
Photo by Zakaria Zayane on Unsplash

Other factors WalletHub considered were Romance and Fun. Here in New Jersey, we have fun. New Jersey scored 12th best in the country in that category.

That category encompasses music festivals, nightlife, attractions, parks, nature preserves, access to bars ratio and then crime rate with other factors go into that category.

I tried to find the numbers and could not, but New Jersey has more music venues per capita than most states. The choices of music and the bevy of local New Jersey musicians delivering that music is impressive.

Photo by John Matychuk on Unsplash
Photo by John Matychuk on Unsplash

We have a vast selection of restaurants with every type of cuisine at your fingertips. I like to eat out as well as cook and I am still finding new restaurants that are outstanding that I have been to for the first time.

New Jersey is a wonderful place to date; I am single, and I enjoy the choices of an evening or long afternoon date with a lovely lady. There are plenty of lovely ladies of all age groups out there ready to date and many of them have that fantastic New Jersey attitude that makes that experience fun.

Get a date for Valentine's Day, enjoy what we have here in New Jersey.

2023 Movies That Got a 0 on Rotten Tomatoes

These movies pulled off an impressive feat: They did not get a single positive review on Rotten Tomatoes.

The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 weekend host Big Joe Henry. Any opinions expressed are Big Joe’s own.

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