New Jersey corn is here: The best way to cook it
We usually have to wait until after July 4 to enjoy two of our favorite Jersey Fresh produce legends, Jersey corn and Jersey tomatoes. No field-grown tomatoes have shown up at any of the farm stands that we know of yet, but the fresh Jersey corn is here!
We were driving back from the shore on Sunday and stopped at a farm stand just outside of Hammonton and there they were.
The manager of the stand said they've just come in this past weekend and should be pretty widespread around South Jersey by this upcoming Independence Day weekend.
The rest of the state should see them at produce markets, grocery stores and farmstands in the next couple of weeks. You can see from the Jersey Fresh website what is available right now.
It's important that we buy local produce. Not only is it good for you, but it's also good for local farmers, too. They have a lot to deal with in a state that has its share of government regulations and restrictions. Local always tastes better and fresher.
You don't need the preservatives and techniques it takes to keep fruits and vegetables looking and tasting fresh that it takes to bring them from California or Mexico.
Here's a guide on what's available now from Jersey farms.
We usually place the corn cobs in a large pot 3/4 full of room temperature water. Place the burner on high heat and when it comes to a boil turn off the heat and wait 10 minutes to dig in.
But there are so many creative ways to prepare corn on the cob. Here are some of the best ideas.
Go out and support our local farmers. You and your taste buds will be so happy you did.
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Dennis Malloy only.
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