New Jersey brewery mocks Astros’ cheating scandal
A New Jersey brewery, Departed Soles of Jersey City, has released a new beer whose name pokes fun at the Houston Astros’ major league baseball cheating scandal. The beer, an IPA, is called “Trash Can Banger” and refers to the method the Astros are alleged to have used to cheat in their winning 2017 World Series run.
During that time, the team would electronically steal the signs of the opposing team and then the Astros players would bang on trash cans in the dugout to alert the batter as to what pitch was coming. The Astros beat the Yankees in the AL playoffs and defeated the LA Dodgers to win the World Series. The owner of Departed Soles, Brian Kulbacki, told that the craft brew has brought the brewery attention “both good and bad,” with threats coming from aggrieved Astros fans.
He shrugs off the criticism, though, telling, “It’s a fact. It happened.” As an added touch, the beer cans are striped in the red, yellow, and orange of Houston’s old uniforms.
Kulbacki told that he is not a Yankee nor a Dodger fan, but that he follows the Marlins. The brew is flavored with milk sugar and citrus and contains exactly 2017 grams of hops per barrel. The brewery isn’t legally allowed to ship its product, so fans in LA and New York can’t order the beer; it’s only available in the tasting room of their Jersey City facility. It retails for $17 a four pack.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Doyle. Any opinions expressed are Bill Doyle's own.