Murphy made his choice; it’s illegals over citizens (Opinion)
The new rules are in regarding what New Jersey law enforcement can, and can't, do in handling illegal immigrants, and if there had ever been any doubt that Gov. Phil Murphy gives preferential treatment to the undocumented over citizens this puts that doubt to rest.
We already knew he campaigned on a "sanctuary state." We already knew he wants them to have driver's licenses and get them with a separate and simpler identification system than citizen's 6 Point ID requirement. We already knew he found over $2 million of our tax money to add to legal aid for those who can't afford it, but this particular pile of money is hands-off to anyone who's a citizen and is strictly for illegals fighting deportation.
The announcement this week from Attorney General Gurbir Grewal makes Murphy's favoritism stunningly clear. New rules came out Thursday limiting local police in the following ways.
Police officers in New Jersey can not stop, question, search, detain or arrest anyone based solely on their suspected immigration status.
They are not allowed to ask anyone's immigration status unless it is part of an ongoing investigation about something else and that something has to be something involving a serious offense.
No New Jersey officer is allowed to participate in ICE immigration raids or operations.
ICE cannot interview anyone arrested on criminal charges unless suspects are advised of their rights by their lawyers.
ICE can't even access any state or local law enforcement databases, equipment or other resources.
In other words, near total defiance of our own federal government short of a federal court order.
Imagine a truck is pulled over for a minor traffic offense when the police officer hears strange noises in the trailer. It's opened to find 45 Guatemalans huddled together. Perhaps a bunch of illegal, migrant workers being taken somewhere. Or are they being held captive? Are they sick? Do they need help? But an officer will not be able to ask much of anything if the suspicion is that in one way, shape or form they are undocumented immigrants. It's hands-off now. I admit that's a zany, extreme example, but that was by design to explain my point. It seems any scenario where there's a whiff illegal immigration will be treated differently than other situations because there's so much the police will not be allowed to pursue.
What happened to Homeland Security? What happened to the public being urged if you see something, say something? Yet New Jersey police will not be able to even ask someone a simple question about their citizenship status? Phil Murphy is protecting criminals. We already had someone undocumented who was held in the Middlesex County Jail on charges of domestic violence be released even though ICE had requested detainment and that person went out to Missouri then allegedly killed four people. There will be more blood on Phil Murphy's hands, you can bet.
This policy is wrong. It helps illegals hide while it can jeopardize your family's safety with its blind eye. It also drives a deeper wedge between the federal government and the state of New Jersey. We already get fewer federal dollars back than they take from us. Imagine the punitive decisions that could come next. Phil Murphy is a leader alright, just not of anyone who's a citizen.
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