Morris County, NJ has a peeping goat problem
When a creep in a raincoat stares at you it's a violation. What about when the pervert stalker is a goat?
Morris County is under a peeping Tom watch, except the suspect is not human.
Yes, police say a loose goat in Chatham Township has been showing up on people's property and either staring in through windows or looking directly into residents' security cameras.
From the township's Facebook page...
The Chatham Township Police are actively searching for the peeping goat that has been seen throughout the Township.
Apparently, some have assumed the goat belongs to a roadside farm market that also has live animals but the Chatham Police Department is saying, "We know who the rightful owner of the goat is, and it is not Creekside Farms."
People commenting on Facebook have been loving the bizarre story. And sharing Dad jokes and puns.
Various Facebook user comments:
"This is a baaaaaaad situation."
Reply: "You ain't 'kidding.'"
"His name has to be Scape Goat."
"This story is literally the G.O.A.T.!!"
Chatham Township Police Department cautions not to try to apprehend the peeping goat yourself should you see him. They urge you to, "Please call CPTD for assistance.”
Sure, that's easy to say, but when you have a goat eyeing up your wife in a bath towel all bets are off.
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