More shameful intimidation from the Murphy administration (Opinion)
Just a few short months ago, it would have seemed unimaginable that a business owner in the United States of America would be shut down by armed officers for the crime of trying to make a living. Dominick Restaino, owner of Cuban Pete's in Montclair was ordered to close his restaurant down Wednesday afternoon by the Montclair Police.
Last week Restaino said he would risk going to jail over limiting his business to 25% of its capacity, but when he was confronted by the local police and health department threatening to close him down, he relented. "It was scary. For the first time in my life I felt like I'm not an American. I felt scared. I've never felt that way before in my life", he told New Jersey 101.5. This should break everyone's heart to hear a hard-working independent business man say these words in our state and to see the full force of the state and local government swoop down on him like a hawk on defenseless prey.
This is the height of outrage and the sad part is MOST OF YOU DON'T GIVE A S***!!! You sit there and watch this erosion of our rights and civil liberties being swiped away without much of any protest. Many of you have held onto your jobs, either working remotely or having a guaranteed government gig. You walk around with your "magic mask" like a badge of complicity or tacit approval, with the ignorant belief that it's keeping everyone safe and it's not.
We go along with whatever this tyrannical oligarch says is good for New Jersey based on "science." Murphy shouldn't be running a car wash let alone one of the most important states in the country. Let your voice be heard. Flood his office with phone calls, letters, emails, whatever you can, peacefully, to let him know of your disapproval. I've been frustrated in the past in living in this state, but never ashamed. I am ashamed of how we've let this happen.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Dennis Malloy. Any opinions expressed are Dennis' own.
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