Miss America- Here she comes… who cares? (Opinion)
Miss America finally figured out why no one watches. It's those pesky swimsuits and evening wear. Did you ever think you'd see the day when looks would become a bad thing on Miss America? When did good looks become a bad thing? There's an old pickup line that goes, "If I told you you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?" Now the Miss America pageant is doing just that by taking the beauty aspect out of this dying pageant. This move will probably put Miss America out of her misery. Show of hands, who can name last year's winner? Show of hands, who's going to watch this year's show?
The whole idea of Miss America when it began almost 100 years ago was to keep people at the shore for an extra weekend by parading beautiful women in front of them. This idea also was translated to television where people love to tune in and look at beautiful women. But this year, "In place of the swimsuit competition, contestants will participate in an interactive session with the judges. She will highlight her achievements and goals in life and how she will use her talents, passion, and ambition to perform the job of Miss America," the organization said in a statement.
Do they not think maintaining a beautiful body is an achievement? Is it not a show of discipline, exercise, and diet?
Remember those exciting Q and A's on, "What would you do to change the world?" That's going to be the highlight!
As much as the media wants us to believe that women don't care about their looks, you know better and if the Miss America people want to change their beauty pageant business model to behold beauty through their eyes, that's their prerogative. If I'm Miss USA, I go in the other direction and make it all about looks because I believe there is nothing wrong with that.
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