Mask mandate turns NJ teacher into an accused criminal (Opinion)
Many of us realize that mask-wearing can be pointless, uncomfortable and pure theater in many cases.
According to a report on New Jersey 101.5, a Toms River woman who works as a teacher in the Woodbridge School District was arrested Thursday. Her alleged crime was faking a doctor's note excusing her from wearing a mask at her job.
Gayle Hadley, 53, was charged with one count of a fourth-degree utterance and one count of fourth-degree falsifying medical records.
This was not a matter of taking a vaccine she thought might injure her, it was about wearing a mask.
Most of us comply on airplanes, government buildings like the MVC, and that include schools. Gayle Hadley saw that it was BS and she tried to get around the nonsense but made the mistake of falsifying a medical note, which is a crime.
The story here is not whether masks do anything or if they make a scared population comply or give people a chance to virtue signal on behalf of their political beliefs. The issue here is that when government oversteps its bounds in a free society, they turn normally law-abiding citizens into criminals.
Perhaps if there was better reporting and challenging of authority from our media, things could be different.
Clearly, we are in an unprecedented time when even your kid's teacher will go to extreme lengths to avoid what is obviously pointless, stupid government overreach.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Dennis Malloy. Any opinions expressed are Dennis Malloy's own.