MADISON — A Morris County man was arrested and charged with mishandling Pride flags.

Cormac M. McNamara, 21, of Madison, took six flags from light posts in the Waverly Place area on June 9, borough officials said. Some of the flags were also found in poor condition from being in the hands of McNamara.

Surveillance video from a business shows McNamara putting the Pride flags in the trash in front of Chase Bank, officials said.

The flags have been recovered and turned over to the Public Works Department. As of June 10, the flags are back on display for the remainder of Pride Month.

McNamara was arrested and charged with criminal mischief on June 10.

Mayor Robert H. Conley said Madison remains a community for everyone.

“Since 2019, we have been proudly displaying the Pride flags downtown to recognize all LGBTQIA+ residents whose influential and lasting contributions make Madison a vibrant community in which to live, work, and visit," Conley said in a written statement. "I applaud and thank MPD and DPW for their swift response to this case and their quick work to reinstall the Pride Flags."

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Gallery Credit: Diana Tyler

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