Local author teams with Congressman MacArthur to create addiction documentary
This morning we were joined by Congressman Tom MacArthur and local Author Alicia Cook to make everyone aware of a great discussion and documentary being shown in Toms River about New Jersey's heroin epidemic.
Heroin addiction is a major problem in the Garden State. New Jersey’s heroin overdose rate is triple the soaring national rate. Burlington and Ocean counties make up nearly 13% of the heroin related deaths in the state
Congressman MacArthur, who I've said many times has gone above and beyond the call of duty to take care of his constituents, has made this one of his top priorities to focus on PREVENTION – TREATMENT – RECOVERY.
Tom was approached by local author Alicia Cook to take part in a documentary she was working on entitled "Here's the Story of Family Disease." Alicia lost her cousin Jessica to heroin and has made it her mission to raise awareness about the changing face of addiction. Addiction isn't just convicts or criminals any longer, it's an epidemic shared by our family, our friends, our neighbors and coworkers.
Congressman MacArthur participated in the documentary about the effects of heroin on family members that starred Alicia Cook. You can join MacArthur and Cook for a discussion on the heroin epidemic and a screening of "Here's the Story of Family Disease." at Toms River Town Hall on Monday, October 24th at 6:30 pm.
MacArthur, who is part of a Bipartisan Task Force to combat the heroin epidemic, has also introduced legislation to make it easier for family members to pay for the cost of treatment.
You can watch the full interview in the YouTube clip above.
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