Several people in South Jersey have reported two guys knocking on your door offering to power wash your house. They look for older homes where the siding may look kind of worn.

Once they get your information the people that call you back are selling siding for your whole house.

They may or may not be reputable siding contractors, but the premise is misleading.

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You might be willing to pay $200 to $400 for a power-washing job, but you might not be interested in a several thousand-dollar siding job.

Once they get your information, then they can give you the full sales pitch and may even offer some sort of installment plan. As I said, they might very well be competent siding contractors who will do a good job, but would you want to trust somebody who came to your door under a false premise?

Unfortunately, senior citizens are usually the most likely target for door-to-door scammers. Fortunately, there is a place for you to report what you suspect might be a scam or suspicious activity. The New Jersey Department of Consumer Affairs offers tips on what to look for and how to avoid being ripped off. 


You should only call the police if you feel threatened or in danger. Too many times the local or even State Police are called simply because someone knocked on their door.

The state Department of Consumer Affairs can help if you suspect there is some kind of scam to avoid. They even offer a tip sheet on what to look out for. 

It's a shame that we have to be so suspicious, but unfortunately, these are the times we live in.

Don't get fooled: Here's 24 scam texts I received in just one month

Although some may be humorous, others appear legit. Here are 24 texts I received in just one month's time, as well as one I'm surprised I never got.

Spam texts are listed in the same order that was received.

Gallery Credit: Mike Brant

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Gallery Credit:

Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Dennis Malloy only.

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