It’s the perfect elixir for a cold January night.


No, not a bowl of my wife’s chicken soup, or Dennis’ rice balls., (see prior post.);
It’s the crew that makes you want to stick an icepick in your ear and say to yourself, “….if they could get a TV show, what am I doing wrong?”

Well, for one, you might not have the charisma and charm of the “Situation”, or the “Pasta Ciotto” hairdo of mixmaster Paulie Dee.

It takes a unique talent to be on the cast of Jersey Shore. (Feel free to list them below.)

But whatever you do, don’t feel guilty watching.

After all, we all need an escape.

And what better escape then finding out just why it is that Vinny wants to leave the house and go back to Staaaannnn Ahhhlannn. (I know, give me the gleaming white sands of Midland Beach any day over Seaside….and you don’t have to pay for it either!)

Or how bad things get between Sammy and Ronnie.

Or why Snookie feels the need to waste a perfectly good gallon of milk and throw it at Michael.

Or how busy they make things for the Seaside Police.

It’s like the Lay’s Potato Chip commercials from back in the day.

“Betcha can’t eat just one!”

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